Q. Do boys and girls train together?

Yes. There are some socio-emotional benefits to intermixing both genders and ages. We are all there to improve, get better, and maximize performance. Gaining respect and seeing each human as merely another wonderful creation is an expected baseline. 

Q. What do we bring each training session?

Always have a water bottle and your sport specific items (ie: basketball). Also a great attitude. If sweating, working hard, and getting to do what you love feels ‘tough’ and that’s the toughest hour of your day, then that’s a good day!

Q. What should we sign up for?

Families are encouraged to stay within their budget, schedule, and wants. If you have an athlete that wants to turn professional, your investment with time and resources should be greater than others. We train Athletes for who they want to become, not who they are. 

Q. Can I come and go over time?

Certainly! We view our Elite 360 Training experiences as ‘a la carte’. However, we have seen significant improvement in the more committed Athletes and welcome the chance to talk through training plans and sport calendars to align and build a proper training model for each specific Athlete.