They say the game is 90% mental and 10% physical. But Athletes spend time building their game quite the opposite. High level Athletes are constantly investing time to strengthen their mind, improve mental fortitude, and practice tangible, applicable habits to maintain peak performance. 


Stuck in a rut? Dealing with an injury? Learning how to absorb tough coaching? Meet with certified mental performance coach Landon Braun today to battle the common pitfalls and learn how to sustain a winning mindset. Or connect with Lyndsey Fennelly who has guided athletes for over 15 years with mental tips & tricks.

30 minutes - $50 || 60 minutes - $80


Wondering where do you stack up? How do you compare to other Athletes at similar age & stage? Receive a detailed scouting report on your game and consultation on how to achieve your next goal which includes a training plan.

1 hour - $200


  • Bring an Elite 360 Trainer to your school or AAU program to educate parents, families, and Athletes on the basics of the recruiting process. Helping young people identify a perfect fit is a passion of our team, ensuring they are taking the steps to create a well informed decision and each family is aware of the resources, expectations, and opportunities available to student-athletes.

  • Contact us today to create a tailored experience for your program!